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Fuel Card Management - Fuelsoft

Fuelsoft is the industry's leading Fuel Card Management software product that caters for the requirements of fuel card agents and network operators running their own ISOs (International Standards Organization, Standards), whether the sale of the fuel is on credit or handled as a bunkered transaction.

Fuelsoft provides the entire back office application interfacing into a fuel card specific sales ledger and financials to provide a complete solution.

The key features:

• Data file imports from Keyfuels, UK Fuels, Total, Esso, BP, Shell, IDS, Fast Fuels, Eurotraffic, various polling bureaus and European Toll and Tunnel Cards
• Data files extracted from imported files and verified against database
• Database of drawings, fuel cards, sites, products and pricing files
• E-mail and SMS price notification
• Automatic invoicing, printed or e-mailed
• Prices and costs are date based with late drawings being allocated to the prices and costs applicable on date of the drawing
• Prices are set globally, by group of customers or by individual customer either as a price or as a differential from a national price. Customers can be allocated to a price band and then moved between bands
• Prices can be set by network, by group of sites or by site
• Cost centre invoicing for national accounts
• Multiple currencies held within drawings file and ledger
• Multi lingual invoicing
• Complete integration to Microsoft Office software
• User defined fuel card status’ to enable workflow to be set up for generating automatic letter production for new, replacement, expiry or pin number letters. All letters set up in Word
• Hot card file output for own ISO transactions
• Card ordering module outputs card data for card manufacturing

Adam Harmer, Director, Vale Oils
We needed our customers to be able order at any time...
> £6 Billion
combined turnover reliant on Fuelsoft
> 38 Years
of fuel distribution experience
> 16.4 Million Litres
of fuel administered by Fuelsoft every 24 hours
> 600,000 Fuel Cards
in circulation around the world
Some of our Clients:

Find out how much the Fuelsoft Solution can do for you

Take your first step - Email us and we will contact you to discuss the benefits of the Fuelsoft Solution.
Pinewood, Bell Heath Way, Woodgate Business Park
Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 3BZ
Tel +44(0)3300 583 900 - [email protected]