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Fuel Distribution - Stock Control

This versatile stock system can be managed by company, depot or stock point, which can also be defined as a tank or tanker and is invaluable for audit purposes. The Fuelsoft stock system is date based, enabling easy reconciliation of stock,back to a specific day.

Stock receipts can be reconciled to purchase invoices providing visibility of any un-reconciled receipts or invoices.

Stock take data can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet, while the actual stock figures are keyed into the spreadsheet before being imported back into the Fuelsoft stock system.

The key features:

• Date based stock reconciliation
• Handles bulks, lubricants, tanks, bottles, parts and sundries
• Stock enquiry
• Multiple stock points
• Multiple levels (company, terminal, tanker, tanks)
• Location movement report
• Dips entered create audit adjustments
• Gains and losses can be created in confirmation
• User defined transaction types - issues, receipts, transfers, rebrands, adjustments
• Download stock take data into excel
• Key actual stock figures into Excel and import into database
• Stock receipts are matched against purchase invoices
• Month end reports highlighting stock receipts without invoices
• Stock valuation report
• Stock orders by location report
• Lubricants price book
• Lubricants price book import from supplier price book
• Mixed products for handling blending
• Bunkered stock for specific customers

Stephen Wilkins, I.T. Operations Manager, Johnston Fuels
Johnston Fuels have worked closely with Fuelsoft since 2014. They have helped us in all aspects...
> £6 Billion
combined turnover reliant on Fuelsoft
> 38 Years
of fuel distribution experience
> 16.4 Million Litres
of fuel administered by Fuelsoft every 24 hours
> 600,000 Fuel Cards
in circulation around the world
Some of our Clients:

Find out how much the Fuelsoft Solution can do for you

Take your first step - Email us and we will contact you to discuss the benefits of the Fuelsoft Solution.
Pinewood, Bell Heath Way, Woodgate Business Park
Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 3BZ
Tel +44(0)3300 583 900 - [email protected]