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Fuel Distribution - Repeat Orders & Top Ups

Repeat Orders and Top Ups can be set up, with each customer having a master file, allowing the orders to be generated automatically with very little manual intervention. The fuel orders are created in a work file that can be edited before converting into actual orders.

Due to this system and approach, significant time savings may be achieved and significantly, customers are never let down.

The key features:

• Set up by customer and product
• Volume
• Start date
• End date
• Contract number if applicable
• Multiple repeat options:
  Fixed day in month
  Days since last order
  Fixed day of the week
  Fixed day of the week after a number of days
  Fixed day of the week in fixed week number
  Fixed week of the year
• Pricing options:
  Normal pricing
• Generates pre-list
• Faciltiy to edit prelist, amend / delete
• Print pre-list
• Convert pre list automatically into orders

John Ford, Managing Director, Ford Fuels
We find we are able to drive the Fuelsoft application along - getting improvements as and when needed so our business continues to grow.
> £6 Billion
combined turnover reliant on Fuelsoft
> 38 Years
of fuel distribution experience
> 16.4 Million Litres
of fuel administered by Fuelsoft every 24 hours
> 600,000 Fuel Cards
in circulation around the world
Some of our Clients:

Find out how much the Fuelsoft Solution can do for you

Take your first step - Email us and we will contact you to discuss the benefits of the Fuelsoft Solution.
Pinewood, Bell Heath Way, Woodgate Business Park
Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 3BZ
Tel +44(0)3300 583 900 - [email protected]